To place an order with BABSCO Supply, please call one of our two locations or send an order via fax or email.
BABSCO Supply accepts MasterCard and Visa. We do not charge your credit card until we ship your order. An exception is special order items which require a 50% deposit. Additionally, we accept company checks with accompanying identification.
Minimum billing requirements are $25.00 minimum per order. Should any order be less than $25.00, a handling fee will be included in the shipping charges. This fee is waived on all cash orders.
BABSCO offers FREE delivery of material on orders over $200.00 that can be delivered on our truck or via standard UPS ground within 25 miles of any of our locations. Orders outside of those parameters will be shipped the most economical way, prepaid and freight charged to the invoice. Alternately, we can bill your company’s freight account. Premium freight, such as UPS Red or Blue, is also available.
If you wish to export materials outside the United States, you take title and responsibility for risk of loss or damage at the point of shipment. If you export any products that you buy from BABSCO Supply, it is your responsibility (and not BABSCO Supply’s) to comply with all United States export control rules and regulations — we cannot be named as shipper or exporter of record.
For additional information on our finance and credit terms, please contact us today!